Monday, April 12, 2010

Good News take 5

1. Fred Meyers sell a whole caseload of Moonstruck Chocolates (I'm talking about those delicately hand crafted chocolates that some of you may know as cat, dog, and ice cream cone chocolates). Now you can go Moonstruck without even going to the west side (Take that Burnside Bridge) and the best part, Good Ol' Freddy's sells them for twenty five cents cheaper.
Side note, for those of you who use to watch Reading Rainbow, with all this count down sales pitchy stuff, I feel sort of like their book introductions. Please imagine this blog post read in the voice of 10 year old children, and Levar Burton....Now that I have that off my chest, with all do respect continue...
2. Dinner is: Pasta with pesto,artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers (a-hearts and pep, as nobody calls it) roasted yams, with goat cheese, and chicken. Tiny cheese cake for desert

3. It was either Harrison Ford I saw tonight, or perhaps his twin. Or was it his poorly aged adult son? Maybe his wax figuring brought to on Hawthorne (naturally)?

4. Two yards of vintage fabric, two dollars...Re-gifting Center, you've done it again!

5. A cat walked up to our front porch today, and maybe just maybe tried to ring our door bell
(I think he was looking for Alex).

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