Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Traveling Wilbury

The phone rings on my way home from work. I miss the call, but I'm greeted with a message that goes a little bit like this "hey emily, are you coming home? I was wondering if you could help me with a little bike craft project. I'm trying to attach a cooler to my bike, and need your help with the sewing machine..." When I get home, the kitchen, comparable to a woodshop, tools flung about, and Alex knelt down drill in one hand, electric tape in the other... had got to work with out me. It is a fact, that tonight Alex made a traveling barbecue machine out of one bicycle, one towel, a cooler (for the food), a file organizer (for the beer....of course), electric tape, two pieces of wood, and of course a barbecue. I ask Alex what he's going to do tomorrow when all of these items are nailed, drilled, and taped to his bike. He casually put the bungee cord final touches on, and places the barbecue on his front rack bellow his handle bars, smiles and says "I guess I'll have to ride it to work." Thank you.   

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